Bea Nettles

Bea Nettles

Born 1946


Bea Nettles explores the narrative potential of photography through constructed images often made with alternative photographic processes. Combining craft and photography, Nettles’s work makes use of wide-ranging tools and materials, including fabric and stitching, instamatic cameras, the book format, manually applied color, and hand‐coated photographic emulsions. Her imagery evokes metaphors that reference key stages in the lives of women, often with autobiographic undertones, and her key motifs draw upon mythology, family, motherhood, place, landscape, dreams, aging, and the passage of time.


  • Bea Nettles was inducted into the International Photography Hall of Fame on November 3rd, 2023.
Log Booms #1, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 2016


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