
The Photographic Series with Jason Gray

Both a strength and a weakness of photography is that a single picture cannot say all that there is to say about a single subject. Photographs need context in order to direct the initial broadness of their interpretation. In an interview with Aperture magazine, artist Jason Fulford has summed this up by saying, “Photography has clarity in the same way that language has. A word is precise, but its meaning can change based on the words around it: think tank, tank top.” In picture making, this context usually arises from a body of images presented together in a series.

With St. Louis artist Jason Gray as your guide, learn what photographic series are, why are they important, how they differ, and how to construct one. Jason will provide both famous examples from the history of photography and from his own practice as an image maker.


Inside the 1904 World's Fair, with Karl M. Kindt III


Wanderings through the American Southwest with Jacob Buchowski