
Vanishing In Plain Sight: Alzheimer's Explored through the Art of Olivia Parker with Eric McDade, DO

A continuing work in progress, Vanishing in Plain Sight proves to be some of the most emotionally evocative and experimental work of Parker's long career. Poignant and deeply moving, this series finds the artist exploring new grounds, including self-portraiture and dramatic grid sequences, while still retaining the vivid color and abstract liveliness that have become the signature of her still life work.

Eric McDade, DO, is an Associate Professor of Neurology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. His research interests include the application of cerebrospinal fluid and neuroimaging measures to identify early pathology of Alzheimer’s disease, the interaction of cerebrovascular function and Alzheimer pathology with the ultimate goal of identifying early markers of Alzheimer’s disease progression that can be used in testing disease modifying therapies.


Virtual Happy Hour with the IPHF Curators, July 2020


Travel Photography Happy Hour, with Jim Cooper, David Capes, and Robert George: June 2020